Friday, October 29, 2021


This week we had to do some adjectives for our activities.

Haunted House

For one of our activities we had to draw a haunted house.This is my one.As you can see it is not very good but i did my best.

Friday, October 22, 2021



Friday, September 17, 2021

Taata Pipiripia


hfor this week we had to draw a maori god .I chose this one because it looked easy to draw.It is Called Taata ppipiripia.Witch means ''ripped guy'' in maori.What is your favourite maori god.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Toasted sandwich

This week we had to make a toasted sandwich and follow our instructions.This is how to make a toasted sandwich.

How to make a toasted sandwich.

You will need:Toastie maker,two bits of bread,slice of

cheese,two bits of ham,plate,butter,knife.

. Get two bits of bread

. Then spread the butter across the face of the bread

. Put the cheese slices on the bread then put the ham on the cheese.

Put the fillings in between the bread then smack it together. 

Put it in the toastie maker turn it on let it cook

Then take it out 

Book week 2021


This week our whole school had book week.I dressed up as wol foot rot flats.Our class had to decorate our door.We based it off the book ''I won't say please''.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Mining alphabet


For one of our activity's this week we had to think of words to do with mining.There was all of the 26 letters to do and they had to be related to mining.